Sunday, September 6, 2009

I've been sick this weekend, but I should hopefully be better by Tuesday, when "normal" posting should resume.

In the meantime, enjoy your labor day weekend. I will be here on the couch with Hitchhiker's and a ridiculously easy knitting pattern.

ETA: Lifehacker linked to this article naming 5 signs your resume is passe. DivineCaroline's list:

  1. You've forced it to fit on one page.
  2. You list an objective.
  3. You write "References Available Upon Request" at the bottom.
  4. You attach it to your e-mail as a Word Document.
  5. You list every job you've ever had in chronological order.

This is especially important for a lot of my friends who graduated college this past summer, and my friends who are college seniors now, who want to beat out other new graduates in their fields of choice. Employers are looking for the person with the best skill set and most relevant experience for the job.

Now that Hitchhiker's is over, I can go rework my own resume.

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